Arsén Tumanyan

Arsén Tumanyan

Android Developer

© 2021

I am a software engineer specialized in Android app development. For the past 13 years my responsibilities have been varying from architectural design, coding, optimizations to code reviews, requirements gathering and product management.

I have a wide experience of Android technologies including: concurrency, architecture design, UI design, testing, release automation and integration with external services.


  • Master of Science in Computer Science - University of Toronto — 2011 - 2013
  • Bachelor of Engineering - State Engineering University of Armenia - 2002 - 2006
  • Recurse Centre (Hacker School) - New York, Spring, 2015




  • Libraries => Kotlin, Java, Android SDK, AndroidX Jetpack (Room, Paging, ViewModel etc.), RXJava, Dagger, Retrofit/OkIO, Realm
  • Testing => JUnit, Espresso, UI Automator
  • Design => Clean Architecture, MVVM, MVP, Design Patterns
  • Performance => systrace, dumpsys, StrictMode, FrameMetrics API, Litho
  • Reliability => Stetho, Crashlytics, Play Store Vitals
  • Build & Automation => Gradle, Firebase, CI (Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis, Github Actions), Static Analysis Tools (Detekt, KLint)

Other: SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, AWS, CentOS, MySQL, MongoDB